Summer school co-organised by TRIGGER
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet project TRIGGER is co-organising the summer school ENGAGE! Engaging Science for Resilient and Liveable Cities that will be run at Estonian University of Life Sciences from August 7 to august 18, 2023. The ENGAGE! summer school will be a vibrant mixture of interactive sessions, field trips, and group work. Its unique setting, designed to give participants hands-on project and research experience with the management and planning of urban green and blue infrastructure, will provide a particular focus on the production and dissemination of socially engaging science supporting resilient and liveable urban environments. TRIGGER will contribute to the summer school with the contents reflecting on the EU Green Deal (EGD), and will co-host case study research groups that will be dealing with EGD-related issues at the local level. The school is welcoming applicants. All the information about the application process and aby updates are available from the website of the summer school: